Hong Kong becomes one of the last territories to remove compulsory mask-wearing

From March 1, the mask will no longer be required indoors and outdoors in the metropolis.

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It was one of the last territories to have maintained the wearing of masks for so long to combat the spread of Covid-19. Hong Kong announced on Tuesday February 28 the end of the compulsory wearing of masks, both outdoors and indoors. This measure was imposed three years ago in the metropolis and was maintained for nearly 1,000 days.

“I am announcing that the mask obligation will be completely abolished from tomorrow March 1, including indoors, outdoors and on public transport”, detailed the chief executive of Hong Kong, John Lee. Hospitals and nursing homes will be able to put in place their own restrictions. The mask was until now required in almost all public places, for any individual over the age of 2, under penalty of a fine of 10,000 Hong Kong dollars (1,200 euros).

“Total return to normality”

“With the removal of required mask wearing, we begin [un retour] total to normal. And it will be very beneficial to economic development.”, added John Lee. Public health experts were increasingly questioning the need to enforce mask-wearing in a city where several waves of Covid-19 infections have arguably brought high levels of immunity.

Companies and other tourism professionals also felt that the mask undermined the overall image of the city. Executive attempts to demonstrate Hong Kong is back to business as usual as John Lee promises to welcome visitors “without isolation, without quarantine and without restrictions” during the launch of the “Hello, Hong Kong” campaign in early February.

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