Homelessness crisis | 27 social housing units for elderly homeless people in Saint-Michel

As homelessness reaches unprecedented levels in Quebec, the announcement of public funding for a 27-unit building intended to get older homeless people off the streets is welcomed, but the Old Brewery Mission warns that it is necessary even more of this type of housing.

“This is perhaps the most difficult time in the history of our sector, we have never seen so many people [sans-abri]. There are a lot of mental health and opioid problems, in an intensity that we have never seen. We have to intervene for overdoses almost every day,” said James Hughes, president and CEO of the Old Brewery Mission, Monday, who noted the increasingly significant presence of elderly people among the homeless population.

“We need massive investments for this population, as quickly as possible. The budget is coming and we hope that the minister [des Finances, Éric] Girard will make a historic investment in housing. »

Mr. Hughes participated in a press conference in the Saint-Michel district, on Pie-IX Boulevard, in the company of elected officials to announce the federal, provincial and municipal contributions to the Old Brewery Mission housing project, currently under construction , scheduled to open in fall 2024.

Apartments will be offered to 27 people over the age of 50, homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, who will be supervised by staff. The 12.5 million project received 2.1 million from the Société d’habitation du Québec through the AccèsLogis program, 6.1 million from the federal government as part of the Canada-Quebec Agreement through the Initiative for the rapid creation of housing, as well as $500,000 from the City of Montreal.

Elected officials also announced a project of 16 studios intended for young people who find themselves in difficulty, particularly following a stint with the DPJ. These housing units, which will be built at a cost of 5.3 million, received 2.7 million from Quebec, $200,000 from Ottawa and $700,000 from the City of Montreal.

The Minister responsible for Social Services, Lionel Carmant, stressed that future tenants of these two buildings will receive assistance from the Rental Support Program, which allows beneficiaries to pay only 25% of their income for housing, while the rest is financed by Quebec.

The mayor of Montreal, Valérie Plante, referred to the report published Saturday in The Press on the growing presence of elderly people among the homeless. According to her, this demonstrates the extent of the needs.

“Shelter managers tell us that there is much more demand, from women, seniors, young people. In recent years, there has been no new money invested by the government in social housing, and that hurts because we are catching up a bit. But I feel that there is finally an awareness on the part of Quebec that we have been waiting for for a long time,” mentioned Mr.me Plant.

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