Hockey Quebec intends to modify its rules of governance, in particular the process for appointing the members of its board of directors.
The federation intends to rely on 10 recommendations from the firm BNP Performance, which it had commissioned to review its operation from top to bottom.
Several identified weaknesses relate to the role and composition of the board of directors. “For a board of directors to be strong and effective, it must absolutely be independent,” emphasizes BNP. Like a private company that distinguishes directors from shareholders, it must be the same for Hockey Quebec. Because Hockey Quebec builds its governance by representation and delegation. Thus, while this makes it possible to shed light connected to the reality of the different regions, it also contributes to creating a board of directors that is dependent and bears the interests that emanate from the will of the people who contributed to the appointment of their “representative ”. »
BNP notes that the current process “is helping to create a culture of single-mindedness of obligated moral royalty”. The chairman of the board of directors, Claude Fortin, also clarified in a press briefing that Hockey Quebec plans to limit the number of term renewals for each director.
Another recommendation concerns the Standing Committee of the Regions. BNP finds that its role seems to be “poorly framed”. ” [Il] aims more for the regions to have a power of force than to allow the regions to be heard. We recommend that its role be completely overhauled to really create value, and act more as a facilitating partner between the regions and Hockey Quebec. »
BNP does not recommend the abolition of structures or boards of directors, but rather, “a serious examination of questioning, role and reframing, if necessary, of powers”.
The firm suggests that Hockey Quévec better distinguish between governance and operations. “In many situations,” writes BNP, “we find that the structure relies almost exclusively on volunteers sitting on the board of directors, which inevitably leads to a confusion of roles and directors who temporarily leave their role of governance to come and operate the hockey […] Hockey Qyébec will have to deploy a governance framework at all levels. This framework will make it possible to equip the various boards of directors that do not necessarily have the capacity or the expertise to carry out such an exercise. »
The director general of Hockey Quebec, Jocelyn Thibault, indicated that certain recommendations will be put in place this year. Others will occupy it until the end of its mandate.