his wife Line Papin victim of a miscarriage? The sad revelations of the novelist

Are Marc Lavoine and his wife Line Papin still in contact? Did they put the cover back? These are the questions we have been asking ourselves since their breakup was announced last September, after only a year of marriage. Our colleagues from Closer indeed assured that the young novelist would have dropped the famous singer, after numerous disputes about an essential point: the construction of a new family. If the pretty 26-year-old brunette wants more than anything to have children, Marc Lavoine, he would not want to become a dad for the fifth time at almost 60 years old.

In her fourth book, which will be released in a few weeks by Stock editions, Line Papin confides in the storms born within her couple and evokes in half a word, a miscarriage that occurred two years ago, at the start of the pandemic. If this book called “A possible life” is a fiction, it seems directly inspired by his personal life since the character is named Line and is 24 years old. “What joy, she said to herself, and what a surprise: in her belly, there are two pockets, twins” can we read in the summary. “As the pandemic plunges the world into fear and death, Line watches her body transform to create two futures. To her, everything is a dream: she discovers the unknown territory of motherhood.” is it then written.

Line Papin victim of a miscarriage?
We learn in the rest of the summary that the pregnancy of the young woman is unfortunately interrupted: “However, at the clinic, he is soon told that the fetuses did not hold. They must be removed.”. After this terrible ordeal, the main character becomes pregnant again but decides, against all odds, to have an abortion, because traumatized by her first pregnancy: “The joy and candor of the first time are replaced by great distress. She feels unable to carry life and give birth to a being in such anguish. She decides to abort” can we read.

Although the young novelist does not claim that this story is directly inspired by her own life, another message sows doubt: “I was going to be silent to protect a secret, a couple, an intimacy […]. I was going not to write, because it is a private story. Deprived of what? It’s a story so private, yes, that it deprives itself of narrative, of speech“.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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