his wife, Hélène, forced to come out of silence!

He would not have thought to outrage so much with his remarks. Indeed, on January 1, Omar Sy gave an interview to our colleagues from Parisianin full promotion of his film “Skirmishers”. In this feature film by Mathieu Vadepied, the 44-year-old actor plays a father enlisted in the French army in 1917 to join his 17-year-old son recruited by force. During his interview, the ex-acolyte of Fred Testot was indignant on a specific point. The fact that, according to him, the French were less “achieved” by the wars in Africa than by the invasion in Ukraine. “I’m surprised that people are so affected. Does that mean that when it’s in Africa you are less affected?”he notably dropped.

Subsequently, Omar Sy provided some details on his statements by providing a few arguments: “Me, I feel threatened in the same way when it is in Iran, or in Ukraine. A war, it is humanity which sinks, even when it is at the other end of the world”. “We remember that the man is capable of invading, of attacking civilians, children. We have the impression that we have to wait for Ukraine to realize this”he finally concluded.

Omar Sy’s wife comes out of silence

An outing that did not fail to react. Whether it is the Internet users who judge “unacceptable” such remarks, or even politicians, outraged by the declaration of Omar Sy. Faced with this outburst of hatred, his companion Hélène, like the couple Hapsatou Sy and Vincent Cerutti, wanted to react. This one relayed the passage of Fatou Diome, a Franco-Senegalese woman of letters, when she was invited in the program of Mouloud Achour, Click. When she came, she said in particular: “A Malian who speaks French, isn’t he more of a Parisian than a Ukrainian who does not speak French? The French rush to welcome Ukrainians. Be careful, I am not against it, I’m perfectly for it! But at some point we have to come back to this very simple thing: a human life is worth a human life”.

She then clarified that “distress, it has no colors”but that she also did not have “of borders and she does not take a visa”. “So the people who bore us with moral lessons, on humanist values ​​and everything… the best thing is not to talk about them, it’s to embody them. Human Rights must be embodied. This are sapiens rights. It’s not white human rights. And black or Arab human rights. It’s human rights.”, she finally concluded. Remarks which partly join those of Omar Sy. It remains to be seen whether this will end the controversy or not…

Also to be seen: “Bouffon”, “Uncultured”, “Privileged African”: Omar Sy atomized by Internet users… This speech that does not pass!


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