his wife Alicia pulls out her claws against her rivals!

“Love at first sight does exist. We are so happy to be able to announce it to you! It’s a crazy experience, it’s true, you have to dare, take risks and it was worth it. beautiful stroke of madness in our life!”wrote the enthusiastic young woman in the caption of a post instagram. Because millions of French people are infatuated with Bruno and Alicia, the star couple of this season of Married at First Sight !

A whirlwind took hold of the social networks to which the young bride is very loyal, who never failed to share her adventure, like this time on Instagram : “Despite the doubts, the fear of not knowing what we’re getting into, the fact of not knowing each other and bringing our family into this experience, we went all the way because we always believed in it and that from that our eyes met. From the beginning it was obvious. Now 8 and a half months that we are married but know that it was not easy to live our love in silence especially these last 3 months without being able to share the purpose of our experience”.

But recently, Alicia has been seeing red: the kind messages at the start have turned into real flirting attempts… from her husband! And that, she can’t let go… So she grabbed her smartphone and clearly dotted the “i”: “Know that, all the girls there, who privately messaged Bruno with little ones, ‘hope you two won’t be together anymore’, ‘if you feel like going for a drink, it doesn’t matter if you’re still married or not’, or nudes… Know that I’ve seen it all. I’ve seen it all. You are one hell of a bitch. Oh some of you!”, she let go … a bit amused. In any case, on good terms… Hi!

See also: Excluded Public: Bruno (Married at first sight): “kicked out” after the discovery of a double life?


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