his “walking hands” totally spin his sidekick Eryl Prayer…

After experiencing a terrible descent into hell, Loana seems to be doing well. For a long time, the artist fought against his demons. To make matters worse, the ex-model has also chained the disappointments in love. To date, Mindy’s mom would like to find love… But for the moment, she has not yet found her prince charming. “People don’t dare approach me very much or they approach me for the wrong reasons”she confessed to Jordan De Luxe last February: “That is to say to fuck you one evening and put you on a hunting board: ‘Yeah, I fucked Loana! ».

“I don’t think you’re going home alone tonight…”

Some of his ex-suitors have even gone quite far… “Once I slept with someone and a friend told me it was a gamble actually. Well, I found out two or three days later. The guy was Prince Charming all night and the next day he went to see his friends, ‘that’s it, I made it’. When they told me, I left crying,” regretted the star.

Disappointed in love of course, but Loana does not despair! This Wednesday, July 20, 2022, the main interested party has certainly intrigued its subscribers. On Instagram, she immortalized herself in the middle of a dance session with a stranger. Facing the camera, the two women follow the choreographies before embracing each other tenderly. But the duo’s slow quickly took a completely different turn…

In one sequence, Loana does not hesitate to grab her partner’s buttocks. “Wandering Hands” comments a spectator alongside Eryl Prayer who is filming the scene. “I don’t think you’re going home alone tonight”, added the sworn enemy of Sylvie Ortega. Amused, the singer did not say more… Case to follow!


to see also: “Rien va”: naked and “destroyed”, Loana shocks her subscribers on Instagram with a video for the Fête de la Musique

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