his rape complaint re-examined

The Saverne public prosecutor’s office in Bas-Rhin, the department where the teenager disappeared almost four months ago, announced on Monday that it had carried out a “new legal study of the procedure”.


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Lina, a 15-year-old teenager, has been missing in Bas-Rhin since September 23, 2023. (DR)

This is a complaint filed a year before his disappearance. The Saverne public prosecutor’s office announced, Monday January 22, that it had carried out a “new legal study” of the rape complaint filed in June 2022 by Lina, the 15-year-old girl who disappeared in September. The complaint has not yet led to prosecution.

Lina has not given any sign of life since September 23, 2023, after leaving her home to go to the Saint-Blaise-la-Roche station (Bas-Rhin), about three kilometers away, a journey that ‘she used to do. His disappearance is the subject of an investigation, opened by the Saverne public prosecutor’s office and now led by an investigating judge from Strasbourg.

An “age at which consent cannot be demonstrated”

Fifteen months before her disappearance, Lina, then aged 13, had filed a complaint for acts described as “gang rape”. “This complaint gave rise to an investigation at the end of which an initial legal analysis was carried out. This did not make it possible to sufficiently characterize the facts”, specifies to AFP the prosecutor of Saverne, Aline Clérot. However, “as soon as the investigation into Lina’s worrying disappearance was opened, this information was immediately communicated and used by the investigators”, continues the magistrate. Moreover, “a new legal study of the procedure has been carried out” And “will result in a decision in the coming weeks”, adds Aline Clérot.

Lina’s mother “is stunned to learn of this change of heart from the prosecution and is surprised that it was necessary to wait for Lina to be kidnapped for the initial decision to dismiss without further action to be reviewed”reacted to AFP his lawyer, Matthieu Airoldi. “She bitterly regrets that all this information was communicated to her through the press, and not by the Saverne public prosecutor’s office directly, especially since she had a certain number of contacts with the gendarmes to whom she mentioned this complaint, without being kept informedhe added. This leaves her wondering about the quality of the work and the attention paid to a complaint from a 13-year-old girl, an age at which consent cannot be demonstrated.”

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