his first selfie? Iconic

He is the youngest Prime Minister of the Fifth Republic and proves once again that he is in the game. Indeed, on January 9, 2024, appointed by Emmanuel Macron, Gabriel Attal took office as Prime Minister. If he has to face the various problems that affect the French, respond to the anger of taxis and farmers, this does not prevent him from being present on social networks. The proof, with his big announcement made on his Instagram account this Tuesday, February 6, 2024.

To this date, Gabriel Attal announced its arrival on the social network BeReal. An application that invites its users to share their “real life”. “Every day at a different time, BeReal invites you to capture and share in real time a photo of your daily life in the space of two minutes. All your friends publish at the same time. No filters. No likes. life as it is”this is the description of this application which is attracting more and more people… but obviously not enough.

Also see: “It can no longer be worn to school”, this announcement in the middle of TF1 news from Gabriel Attal makes Twitter explode!

Gabriel Attal live from Matignon for his first BeReal

Indeed, this 100% French social network is losing momentum according to our colleagues at Vanity Fair. In fact, the developers have decided to move up a gear. Those responsible for the application have in fact announced in the Figaro that they were going to open the network to celebrities and brands. Unlike Instagram, Twitter, or even Snapchat, it is true that personalities have not yet been completely seduced by the principle.

This is why, in the coming days, BeReal will offer the opportunity to discover behind the scenes of the PSG football team, delve into the daily lives of singers Niall Horan and Joe Jonas or even PlayStation video games. Users will also be able to follow the daily life of Gabriel Attal each day. The Prime Minister also posted his first photo live from his office in Matignon this Tuesday, February 6.


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