his family feels “extremely strong anger”, according to one of his lawyers

the lawyer Patrice Spinosi believes that “if it had been brought closer as we have been asking for years, this tragedy would not have happened”.

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Yvan Colonna’s family feels “extremely strong anger” after the violent attack on Corsica by a co-detainee in Arles prison, assured one of his lawyers Patrice Spinosi this Wednesday at franceinfo. He denounces a “extremely serious failure of the prison administration” and “the State’s inability to guarantee [sa] security”.

>> CORRECTION. Yvan Colonna, sentenced for the assassination of the prefect Erignac, is brain dead after his attack by a fellow prisoner

“I am absolutely overwhelmed”said the lawyer, while the information is still uncertain about the state of health of Yvan Colonna: the attack left him in a post-anoxic coma, but sources say that he is truly dead. “It is all the same something terribly shocking to see that a detainee who was under particular surveillance can be attacked in such conditions. For us, there is an extremely serious failure in the prison administration which has allowed such violence to take place. commit within its walls”he denounced.

For Patrice Spinosi, this aggression “demonstrates the failure of the exceptional prison status to which” Yvan Colonna “has been unjustly subjugated”. The lawyer believes that “If it had been brought closer as we have been asking for years, this tragedy would not have occurred”while all requests for reconciliation of Yvan Colonna – who wanted to be detained in Corsica – have been rejected. “We left him in this central house which is a house reserved for the most dangerous prisoners with, near him, certain other particularly dangerous prisoners. And today we come to this tragedy.” The fellow prisoner suspected of this attack was sentenced in particular for acts related to radical Islamism.

For Patrice Spinosi, with this post-anoxic coma, it’s “the truth of Yvan Colonna [qui] will die in the grave with him”he who was sentenced after a run of four years for the assassination of the prefect Claude Erignac, on February 6, 1998, but who has always claimed his innocence. “This will not only remain an extremely important moment in the judicial history of our country and still a real mystery. (…) He will no longer be able to assert his innocence”concludes the lawyer.

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