His astonishing explanation to clear himself of the countless incidents around his electronic bracelet!

Isabelle and Patrick Balkany have seen better days. This Thursday, February 3, 2022, the Rouen Court of Appeal revoked their placement under an electronic bracelet. A blow for the ex-elected! Indeed, a “hundreds of ringing incidents and a bit of flippancy” changed the game as to the verdict. As a reminder, Patrick and Isabelle Balkany had been assigned to their residence since March 2021 after a conviction for “tax evasion”. For his part, Pierre-Olivier Sur, the lawyer for the two defendants spoke about their shortcomings. “They are not allowed to leave the house but when the dog comes out, they run after it, when the postman comes by, they go to the gate”, affirmed the lawyer as underlined The world.

According to BFM TV, the terms and conditions for wearing the electronic bracelet had been agreed upon in advance with the main parties concerned. In particular on the rules of the distance not to be exceeded to name only this one. According to AFP informed by relatives of Patrick Balkany, the latter would have been seen several times in Levallois-Perret…. At the market and the basketball club of the town.

For her part, Isabelle Balkany would have experienced the court decision very badly. In the turmoil, she would have tried to end her life. Shortly before her act, the politician took her followers aback with this mysterious post: “I just want to sleep… Exhausted by age, mine, hatred, others, anguish for the man in my life, the incurable wound of the ‘erasing’ of what I was able to do with positive… Thank you to those who made me happy to love me… and to my 4-legged loves”.

For our colleagues, his lawyer explained as follows: “We knew that Isabelle Balkany was exhausted. Her act does not surprise me. It is not blackmail to suicide. It is the expression of a call for help, which in legal terms raises questions about the meaning , the proportionality, and even the humanity of incarceration at this stage.” To be continued…


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