Hervé Quinet realized his dream

After a heart attack, Herve Quinet underwent serious heart operations. Aware that life offers him a second chance, he decided to do everything to realize his dream: Take the start of the Africa Eco Raid and see the Lac Rose in Dakar.

Done in January 2020, driving his buggy, alongside his wife and co-driver Marie-Laure.

To thank the staff of the cardiac rehabilitation center of Joigny, in which he spent a postoperative stay, he offered one euro for each kilometer traveled between Tangier and Dakar. That is more than 8218 euros. In January 2022, he realizes his ultimate dream: to start the Dakar. Again, it’s for a good cause! He runs for the benefit of the heart and health club of Joigny. one euro offered for each kilometer traveled, i.e. nearly 8,000 euros.

Guests of 100% Sport

Herve and Marie-Laure Quinet

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