Here are the 5 astrological signs that are the worst losers… They will put the blame on you!

While some people are able to accept defeat and challenge themselves to learn from their failures, some zodiac signs simply cannot. Their first instinct when they fail? Cry scandal!

N°1 – Aries: If this astrological sign is often in a good mood and is known to be a great teaser in everyday life, this Fire sign still has the gift of get carried away very quickly… When he loses! The reason ? This astrological sign is a diehard who likes to win at all costs! Thus, even if he comes in second place, this native will be disappointed and will have the impression of failing… And unfortunately, to feel better, Aries will also tend to put the blame on someone else… way for him to reject all responsibility and not lose confidence in himself!

N°2 – The Lion: No question of seeing someone else succeed in his place! Out of pride, this astrological sign cannot stand losing! Board games, sporting challenges… Regardless of the field, the Leo absolutely wants to be the best and be the only one to be in the spotlight… And if that’s not the case, there’s no doubt for him, he’s a set up! A categorical opinion that he ardently makes known!

N°3 Scorpio: This astrological sign never does things by halves, and when it starts the slightest activity: it’s to win! Results? If this astrological sign comes to lose, you can be sure that you will hear it! This native is known to be very intense and when he is convinced that he is right, almost nothing makes him change his mind!

N°4: It is the most stubborn astrological sign of the zodiac, and nothing can make it listen to reason! Therefore, when Taurus loses, he makes a big deal out of it and doesn’t necessarily accept defeat! A lack of fair play that clashes with his calm personality.

No. 5 – Cancer: The most sensitive astrological sign of the zodiac tends to take things too seriously when it fails. However, instead of making it known loud and clear and expressing his dissatisfaction, this native tends to sulk for hours in his corner! A passive aggressive behavior linked to the fact that this native hates to lose!

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