Heat wave: southern Europe is suffocating


Video length: 1 min.


Article written by

France 3 – V. Lerouge, R. Schapira, L. Pensa, F. Crimon, S. Caracciolo, N. Berthelot

France Televisions

All of southern Europe is facing a heat wave. Andalusia is on red alert for the heat wave, while Rome is already in the furnace.

In Rome (Italy), visiting the Colosseum was an ordeal on Monday July 17. The humid heat is stifling. Everyone has their own method of cooling down. The bottle of water becomes essential, when the temperature has reached 40 degrees.We will try to see the historical monuments, if the old stones are fresher”advances a tourist. In front of the Vatican, even pilgrims accustomed to high temperatures are tested. We realize that it is warmer compared to (…) with us in Africa for example, in the Democratic Republic of Congo“, says a priest.

Andalusia hard hit

The public health services are on the alert, and call every day the most fragile people who have registered.I ask specific questions to make sure they don’t already have symptoms or warning signs.”explains Federico Fratonimale nurse. All of Europe from South East East affected by the heat wave. In Andalusia, the mercury climbed to 43 degrees this afternoon, and no respite is expected immediately.

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