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More and more doctors, nurses and dentists are choosing to do temporary work after completing their studies. They are better paid to be on call and make up for the cruel lack of nurses at the hospital. On Monday, September 26, the government announced that it wanted to ban this costly practice.
Like an infusion that keeps the health system alive, medical interim has become essential. It could be prohibited for caregivers who have just graduated. A geriatrics intern from Montpellier (Herault) is not yet a doctor, that he is already overwhelmed by replacement proposals. In a few days, he can earn more than he earns in a month.
The interim costs always more expensive to the public hospital. In 2013, it represented 500 million euros of expenditure, and 1.4 billion in 2018. This is one of the reasons why the government announced, Monday, September 26, wanting to ban it for young graduates. For future doctors and first concerned, a ban is not the right solution. Guillaume Bailly, vice-president of the national Intersyndicale des interns, believes that it is necessary “to propose an overall salary increase”.