Health: in Brittany, an experiment on the prescription of medicines by pharmacists



Video length: 1 min

Health: in Brittany, an experiment on the prescription of medicines by pharmacists

Health: in Brittany, an experiment on the prescription of medicines by pharmacists – (France 2)

Article written by

France 2 – E.Huin, C.Wormser, G.Sabin, P.La Rochette

France Televisions

An experiment is currently being carried out in Brittany, which will be extended from January 1, 2024 to three other regions. Pharmacists can treat certain patients and prescribe medications directly to them, in certain cases.

In Saint-Aubin-d’Aubigné (Ille-et-Vilaine), for two years, it has been possible to have medications prescribed by your pharmacist, as if you were a general practitioner. The device is being tested in 75 pharmacies in Brittany, the first region to carry out the experiment. After an initial questionnaire on symptoms, the pharmacist gives a child a test for angina that day. The device functions as an initial triage which then allows the patient to be directed to a doctor or emergency services if necessary.

A report sent to the attending physician

In some cases, medication delivery may be sufficient. A list of around ten diseases, notably urinary infections or conjunctivitis, is established between pharmacies and general practitioners. After each pharmacy appointment, a report is sent to the attending physician. A reminder from pharmacists to patients is planned in the system. On January 1, three other regions will enter the experiment: Centre-Val de Loire, Corsica and Occitanie.

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