headteachers will receive a bonus of 1,000 euros

This bonus concerns the 14,000 principals, principals and their assistants.

Heads of school establishments will receive a bonus of 1,000 euros, Franceinfo learned on Tuesday April 25 from the SNPDEN (the majority union among national education management staff). This decision was taken at the Ministry of National Education on Tuesday, April 25

This sum will be paid in return for the implementation of the Pact, this device proposed by the government to encourage teachers to carry out additional missions. 14,000 principals, principals and their deputies are concerned. It will be paid in December 2023, pending a larger revaluation in 2024, already started in negotiations.

>>> Teacher compensation: three questions about the “pact” and annual bonuses in exchange for additional assignments

For Bruno Bobkiewicz, Secretary General of SNPDEN, this bonus for principals and principals is recognition of the additional work that will be generated: “It is symbolic. It’s a launch. It is a revaluation in the same way as teachers who will earn 1,300 euros more per year“. He believes that”it is not only teachers who have the right to earn more. It is normal that from the moment we plan to upgrade the teachers we also plan to upgrade the management staff“.

In exchange for this bonus, school heads will therefore have to undertake to find replacements for short-term absences. To do this, they will in particular have to list the teachers who are committed to this Pact (which is based on a voluntary basis), to what extent (since teachers can only partially get involved, if they wish) then – in case of absence – see who is available to make the replacement.

What was important for us is that it not be conditioned, that is to say that there is no particular pressure which will mean that if a colleague does not have a pact he does not have no money“, explains Bruno Bobkiewicz. “There is no particular interest in the number of pacts. It is unconditioned. That symbolically is important.”

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Last Thursday, April 20, Emmanuel Macron announced a salary increase “between 100 and 230 euros net more per month“for all teachers, during a trip to a college in the Hérault dedicated to school. In addition to this increase”unconditional“, another announcement was made regarding an increase related to new missions, called “pact“. This is a bonus for teachers who agree to take on additional assignments.

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