He kills a sex offender with moose antlers

A Minnesota father allegedly used the antlers of a moose to kill a sex offender he believed was stalking his daughter.

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According to court documents, the man went to a police station in Minnesota “covered in blood” and allegedly confessed to beating a man about 15 blows with a shovel before “finishing him off” with guns. moose antler.

The suspect, Levi Axtell, 27, was arrested and charged Friday with the murder of Lawrence V. Scully, 77. In 1979, the victim was convicted of sexually assaulting a 6-year-old girl, Fox News reported.

According to the affidavit obtained by the American media, Mr. Axtell was convinced that the victim was stalking his two-year-old daughter at daycare.

“[Le père de famille] said he observed [M. Scully] parked in his vehicle in places where children were present and that he thought he would reoffend”, can we read in the document of the Court.

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