“He had no more language”: Celine Dion, still haunted by memories of René at home?

How is Celine Dion? Since last October and the release of a press release in which the star announced his inability to return to the stage in Las Vegas due to muscle spasms, the rumor machine has been running at full speed. He was said to be unable to walk, but recent photos of Paris Match prove the contrary. The diva is however in a small form and her morale would not be foreign to the case…

As the magazine reports, Celine Dion – who now has white hair – lives barricaded with her clan in her Las Vegas property. The star, who would however have left Henderson for Summerlin according to her sister who mentioned her move recently, has long been confronted with the memories of her late husband René Angélil. This month, it has already been six years since he left us and, on Instagram, the singer did not fail to celebrate this sad anniversary by drawing a few words from her song. Courage : “I would be lying if I said I’m fine, I think of you at least a hundred times, because in the echo of my voice I hear your words as if you were there… I miss you.

Celine Dion, now 53, does she have morale in the socks after complicated months due to the Covid-19 pandemic? This long free time for the diva who has always been taken up with a thousand projects, has she brought back memories of her husband whose end of life was very difficult due to cancer? “He no longer had a tongue, he could no longer eat. It was Céline who fed him by tube… She went on stage in the glitter [quand elle était en résidence au Colosseum du Caesars Palace, NDLR] and the next hour she was tube feeding René“, underlines the biographer Elisabeth Reynaud. Although surrounded by her children, René-Charles (who has passed the milestone of 21 years!) and the twins Nelson and Eddy (11 years old), it is easy to imagine how much it must be hard for the singer to have to manage everything on her own now… There is no doubt that finding her audience, when the Courage World Tour will resume in Europe in the spring, will do him the greatest good.

Paris Match, edition of January 27, 2022.

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