Cremate an animal in the wilderness is totally prohibited. And yet, some do not hesitate to do so to avoid exposing themselves to costs. They can be important especially when it comes to a horse (more than 600 euros). Yet this is what an owner did not hesitate to do on the heights of Maraussan, north-west of Béziers.
This discovery was made this Wednesday, January 5 by the animal defense association “Le Coin Des 4 Pattes”. The refuge had been alerted by a walker to a case of animal abuse: a thin horse was on isolated land near the Château de Rouvignac, in the middle of the vineyards. But on their way there, they discovered a dead horse. A horse burned on a wood fire away from prying eyes on a former market garden. The dismembered head was hidden in the vegetation.
“Significant amounts of wood were needed to burn the animal.” – Coralie Canovas, member of the association who made this discovery
Burying an equine is strictly prohibited under penalty of a fine of 3,750 euros
The animal, which had been dead for several days, was burned among other living animals, including this famous malnourished horse, as well as a pony. In a neighboring field, the corpse of a mule was rotting on Chemin de la Garrigue.
– Stéfane Pocher
No fodder or water for animals, deplore animal defense associations
A complaint has been filed by the association with the gendarmerie brigade of Cazouls-lès-Béziers. The owner of the equines has been identified and was to be heard this Tuesday by investigators. Disappearing an animal in this way is prohibited. The offender is exposed to a heavy fine.
Following this report, the mule was withdrawn. The skeleton of the horse too. Only his head was still hidden on Tuesday behind tall vegetation.
The horse should only be neither tattooed nor chipped. The breeders are subject to strict rules, for better traceability, adds Coralie Canovas, whose association recovers mistreated or abandoned horses.
“Equestrian professionals have an obligation to declare births, like dead animals. It is their identification card. And it is also to prevent animals ending up like this horse, burnt illegally anywhere. ”
– Stéfane Pocher
The association “Free cats of Béziers” also denounces such an attitude and today demands that the horse still alive be fed. The latter is located on rocky terrain with very little vegetation. It is fed mainly on seeds, deplores Nathalie Chartrain, the president of the association Les Chats Libres de Béziers.
“On the ground, we found dung as soft as cow dung. The animal suffers from a serious deficiency. We must act and not leave it like this.”
Animal defense associations ask the town hall of Maraussan to intervene as quickly as possible. The horse and the pony are on a ground without any shelter to protect against bad weather. A supply of fodder also seems necessary. Animal kibbles left on the ground, mixed with the earth are not sufficient.
– Stéfane Pocher
– Stéfane Pocher
– Stéfane Pocher
– Stéfane Pocher