has the rise in prices changed the way you feed yourself? tell us

The price of food products rose by 11.8% year on year in October, according to provisional data published by INSEE.

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Fewer fresh fruits and vegetables? More distributor brands in your shopping basket? Food prices rose 11.8% year on year in October, according to provisional data published by INSEE. Fresh products are particularly affected, with a price increase of 16.9% over one year. This increase, which began last summer, accelerated at the start of the school year. In August, food products rose 4.7% year on year, compared to 9.9% in September.

The rise in prices on the shelves is the result of soaring costs suffered by producers and distributors, from energy to fuels, including raw materials and various supplies (fertilizers, animal feed, cardboard for packaging, etc.) . The latter are becoming more and more expensive, as evidenced by agricultural production prices, which jumped in July by 45% in one year, according to INSEE.

For many French people, this price increase is far from trivial: food is, after housing, the second item of household consumption. But depending on the composition of the household, income or place of residence, not all are equal in the face of rising prices.

Franceinfo seeks to document the effects of food inflation on households in all their diversity. How much of your income do you spend on food each month? Faced with rising prices, have you changed the way you eat? Have you given up on regular purchases? If you want to participate in the editorial work and testify, fill out the questionnaire below. You can then be contacted by one of our journalists.

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