Harry and Meghan “disinvited” by Buckingham: the truth would be even worse

It is not the adventures that are missing in the story of love and hate that bind Meghan Markle and Prince Harry to the rest of the royal family. Since the announcement of their departure from the Crown, the broadcast of their interview with Oprah Winfrey and the forthcoming publication of the memoirs of the Duke of Sussex, the rift has widened between the couple and the Windsor family. And if they have done well since the death of Queen Elizabeth, the reality is far from the unity displayed by all in this period of mourning.

This Monday, September 19 will take place the state funeral of the late Sovereign, in the presence of many heads of state including French President Emmanuel Macron. This Sunday, the eve of the last farewell, all politicians and members of other royal families will be invited for a dinner at Buckingham Palace. If Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were originally expected, King Charles III finally decided otherwise. He would have simply excluded the parents of Archie, 3, and Lilibet, 1, as they are no longer active members of the Crown.

If the decision is particular, it remains normal given the circumstances. It is hard to imagine Meghan and Harry resenting the new king after his decision, a direct consequence of their intention to move away from the world of Windsor. What they should have trouble digesting, however, is how they were informed of this choice. According to sources at DailyMail, Charles III did not bother to inform his son and daughter-in-law in person. It would therefore be through the press, like everyone else, that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would have learned that they will not ultimately attend this famous dinner.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex have not reacted publicly to this change of program but there is no doubt that Prince Harry risks saying everything he thinks about it by extending his memoirs by a few pages, especially since he delayed its release after the death of his grandmother. And the story promises to be explosive. Robert Lacey, historian and royal expert, had also said: “We all know that these memoirs will be at least as critical as the interview with Oprah. No publisher would pay hundreds of millions of dollars for a weaker, less impactful book.“Will the Crown waver? Time will tell.

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