Harassment: what to do with “cancelled artists”?

Sexual misconduct in the artistic world has often hit the headlines in recent years. Because broadcasters are wondering if they can start programming these “cancelled” artists again in their theaters, the RIDEAU event will specifically address the issue in a roundtable next week.

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Monday, at the Center des congrès de Québec, ADISQ and RIDEAU will jointly present a round table entitled Harassment and misconduct in the arts community. What is my role?

The discussion panel is part of Forum 2023, organized by RIDEAU, which brings together 350 performance halls and festivals in Quebec and the Canadian Francophonie.

Throughout the day, workshops, conferences and round tables will be presented on current issues for the performing arts community.

The round table on misconduct will bring together three speakers who are a researcher and victimologist (Catherine Rossi), a university professor (Michel Séguin) and a retired ex-judge (Me Johanne St-Gelais).

“This will be our first full RIDEAU event since 2020. There was this important wave [de dénonciations] which really shook us up because it affected a lot of artists who were scheduled in our venues. It was essential to address this issue within the framework of the forum”, mentions David Laferrière, president of RIDEAU, general manager of the Gilles-Vigneault Theater and co-host of this round table with Me Sophie Hébert, director of labor relations of ADISQ.

No recipe

“What is the role of the artist and the operator of the room in such a social debate? How to avoid the most common pitfalls? What are the ethical issues related to the social responsibility of artists? »

The description of this round table raises several questions. But already, David Laferrière mentions that Monday’s discussion will surely not provide clear and precise answers.

“We will say in the introduction that you should not expect to have an infallible recipe when you leave this panel. We are going to talk about the social phenomenon in its entirety. Ultimately, the objective is not to give clear answers. Each broadcaster must bring this into its own context. »

Vast and complex

“It affects so many elements, it questions our value system, says David Laferrière. It’s so vast and complex. It affects artists, producers, agents. It affects all walks of life. »

Among the topics discussed, the speakers will discuss the issue of reintegration, as well as codes of ethics. “We are going to go around the question of the presumption of innocence and the various reprehensible behaviors. »

The round table will not talk about specific artists, mentions David Laferrière. “We are going to completely depersonalize the thing. There will be no names or cases that will be put forward. »

The round table Harassment and misconduct in the arts community. What is my role? will take place on Monday, February 13, at the Center des congrès de Québec. For details: evenementrideau.ca.

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