Guy Carlier very thin: accomplice outing with his companion Christine to applaud Vincent Dedienne

They came, they are all here ! The popular humorist and actor Vincent Dedienne was able to count on the gratin of show business to come and applaud him in Paris, as he gave the 100th performance of his new show A gala evening. It was on the stage of Marigny, in the chic 8th arrondissement of the capital, that he performed in front of an audience of VIPs on June 27.

Among the guests of the day, it was necessary to count on the presence of the sniper of humor and former columnist, Guy Carlier. Now 73 years old, he seems in better shape than in the past thanks to a very important weight father. Indeed, he is physically transformed to the point of appearing very thin, he who has lost 160 kilos over the years; at one time he weighed 250 kilos and was morbidly obese. Smiling to come and applaud Vincent Dedienne, whom he really appreciates, he posed relaxed in front of the photographers. And his displayed good humor was not only linked to his pleasure in coming to laugh and have fun. There is no doubt that the presence of his new companion Christine by his side was not totally unrelated to the case…

Guy Carlier, who has become the pet peeve of his ex-wife Joséphine Dard, has found love again and it does him the greatest good. If he appears little with his new companion, he had however had the opportunity to say the greatest good in 2020, at the height of the pandemic. Because, in fact, Christine was on the front line since she is a pulmonologist and oncologist. He had met him during a consultation at the Argenteuil hospital. Already during the health crisis, he greeted his beauty on Twitter, he wrote: “Dinner on the terrace where every evening, my heroine listens to your cheers, tears in her eyes… I bring her back when it’s easy for me to be confined, while every morning, she leaves to do her job as a pulmonologist at the hostel. As she won’t talk about it, I do it in her place.

Note that the show of Vincent Dedienne (35 years old) continues in Marigny until July 2!

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