growing tensions between the two countries


Video length: 1 min

Tensions between Venezuela and Guyana: growing tension between the two countries

The international community is concerned about the tension between Venezuela and Guyana over the Essequibo, a territory of 160,000 square meters disputed by the two countries. – (Franceinfo)

Article written by

franceinfo – B. Mousset, C. Berbett-Justice

France Televisions

The international community is concerned about the tension between Venezuela and Guyana over the Essequibo, a territory of 160,000 square meters disputed by the two countries.

On televisionEtat, the Venezuelan military seem ready to intervene and a president explains, on a revised map, that Essequibo really belongs to his country. It’s a rregion of neighboring Guyana, which has been disputed for decades and which Venezuela is seeking to annex. “We will recover the historic rights of Venezuela,” said Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela.

A territory that has large oil reserves

This territory is of interest to Venezuela because it has significant oil reserves. Last Sunday, a referendum was organized. 96% of voters expressed themselves favorably for an annexation of Essequibo. Guyana does not intend to give in. This conflict worries the leaders of South America as well as the EUnited States. The US armed forces held military exercises in the region yesterday to avoid an escalation. The UN was contacted to resolve this border dispute.

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