Governor General Urged to Explain Her Catering Expenses

Heritage Minister Pablo Rodriguez says Governor General Mary Simon will have to explain herself over a hefty bill of nearly $100,000 in catering services incurred aboard a plane carrying her as part of stay in Dubai.

“She’s going to have to answer questions,” Rodriguez said Wednesday before heading to a Liberal caucus meeting.

The daily The National Postreported, on the strength of an answer given to a written question posed by a Conservative MP, that the costs in this matter reached $93,117.89.

These catering services would have been offered on board the Airbus CC-150 Polaris transporting Ms. Simon and her team between March 16 and 24.

The Governor General was traveling to the United Arab Emirates for the World Expo held in Dubai.

Asked by journalists whether he found these expenses “reasonable”, Mr. Rodriguez avoided answering by mentioning that he did not have all the details.

“I don’t know what the context is, how many people. She has to answer, that’s for sure, ”he argued.

According to what the National Post wrote, Ms. Simon was accompanied by 29 passengers on board the Airbus CC-150 Polaris.

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