government announces disaster relief

Give a little oxygen to all those who have suffered directly from the fires“, this is the objective displayed by Gabriel Attal. In several interviews given to the local press, the Minister of Public Accounts announces a series of measures for individuals, businesses and communities affected by the fires this summer.

Individuals will benefit froma deadline for the deduction of income tax. Those whose accommodation is damaged or prohibited from access by a decree of danger will be exempt from local taxes (property tax and housing tax). Finally, to take account of any depreciation of the assets, rental values ​​could be revised downwards.

Payment deferrals for businesses

Companies will also get payment deferrals for corporation tax or payroll tax. Gabriel Attal specifies that he also asked that they benefit from an accelerated reimbursement of VAT or CICE credits.

This series of aids is also aimed at the self-employed, for whom the Urssaf have been instructed to extend their payment deadlines. Farmers, whether their land has been destroyed or whether they have come to the aid of firefighters by making their water reserves available, will be compensated, promises the minister.

The overall amount spent on these compensation mechanisms could not be assessed. It is too early and some episodes are still ongoing, specifies the government.

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