Goodbye CSA and Hadopi, here comes ARCOM

Almost all knowledge in the world is on the internet. But not all of them are available for free. Here, do you remember that, at the beginning of every DVD released after the year 2000?

Steal a car ? Never ! Steal a bag ? Never ! Steal a TV? Never ! Stealing a movie… Never? // I don’t know about you but I’ve never managed to copy a car, a bag or even a TV. In short, piracy has existed since the very beginning of the Internet, and it was necessary to legislate and control this new practice. In France, it was Hadopi which tried to control illegal downloads in Peer 2 Peer, eMule, Napster, Pirate Bay, all that has disappeared. By the way, did you know that Alsace was in the top 3 of the departments most monitored by Hadopi, so piracy is common here? It’s over, that, not piracy, but Hadopi. Following the merger with the Conseil Supérieur de l’Audiovisuel, here is ARCOM, the Regulatory Authority for Audiovisual and Digital Communication, which encompasses everything, both digital platforms, television, illegal downloading, and novelty, fight against illegal streaming, which has become more democratic in recent years. And they add to their field the fight against hatred on social networks and the dissemination of fake news. This new super-gendarme has his work cut out for him, all the details on: arcom point fr.

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