Golf is still popular in Quebec

Another summer, another season where golf can shine. Three years after the beginnings of the pandemic, the discipline is still just as popular. If some foresee a drop once the return to normal, the first weeks of the 2023 campaign indicate the opposite.

It was cold at the beginning of May, but in the middle of the heat wave, at the turn of June, the golf season is in full swing.

“Across Quebec, the courses came out exceptionally well. This is good news because there was no catching up to do,” said François Roy, assistant general manager at Golf Québec.

For the federation, customer loyalty was key last season. She is reaping the rewards today.

The clientele that we hooked during the pandemic in 2020 and 2021 stayed in 2022 and is back this year. She continues to play golf. It wasn’t just passing through. The clubs work very well.

François Roy, Assistant General Manager at Golf Québec

Across the board, a tide of young players have embraced the sport. Golf having been one of the only sports during the pandemic, young people have tried it and adopted it. According to Mr. Roy, a wind of change is blowing on Quebec golf: “We wondered if it was going to continue, but from now on, it’s part of their sporting habits. This clientele aged 25 to 40, that we so much wanted to have in greater numbers, is there now. »


During the high season, 1 million Quebecers will play at least one round of golf.

A resounding success

For the golf industry, the performance indicator remains the number of rounds played.

According to Golf Québec, during the first year of the pandemic, in 2020, there was a 19% increase in the number of rounds played. In 2021, the jump was 21%.

Since then, there has been growth, not as phenomenal, but there has been no decline, precisely because young people have continued to come and play.

François Roy, Assistant General Manager at Golf Québec

Still according to the federation, Quebecers play between 9 and 10 million rounds per season. During the high season, 1 million Quebecers will play at least one round of golf. Among them, 500,000 to 600,000 are considered frequent golfers.

Now that golfers are hooked, the priority for clubs has become retaining visitors past the 18e hole. And we have to admit that it works.


According to Golf Québec, during the first year of the pandemic, in 2020, there was a 19% increase in the number of rounds played. In 2021, the jump was 21%.

“The important thing for a club is that its land is beautiful and that the clientele has a great experience,” says Mr. Roy.

“I’ve been working on the ‘Get Out, Golfez’ campaign for seven years,” he continues. This campaign exists to show golf in a different way. Golf is not just about going to the course, hitting balls and scoring points. It’s a social gathering. »

Especially since with the disruption of the seasons, the pleasure can stretch until late in the fall.

The 2023 season is still very young, but it is promising, according to the words of the deputy managing director: “The weather is nice, the starting gates are full. When the end of classes arrives, the youngest arrive, but really, from Saint-Jean until the end of September, it’s the big boom. Although now, summer often extends into fall. We had exceptional months of September and October! »

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