“Go basta!”, after his passages in the media, the hairdresser Éric Zemmour wants to turn the page

It’s hard to miss the name of Éric Zemmour on the front of the avenue de Sweden hair salon in Nice. For tourists, the name may surprise… some stop to take a picture, others laugh. In any case, this no longer makes Éric Zemmour laugh, the hairdresser who has been living in Nice for more than 25 years: “it’s starting to stop being funny“. Indeed, it’s not just the photos, there are also comments and insulting or mocking remarks on the internet, and then the event too many: a living room would have been vandalized.

During the month of January, the door to the living room next to the Opera in Nice was attacked. Eric Zemmour does not understand: “going so far as to vandalize a hair salon it’s ridiculous really“. The problem is his homonym with the presidential candidate. Since the announcement of Eric Zemmour’s candidacy there have been several incidentsbut the hairdresser Zemmour had preferred to remain silent: “we didn’t want to shed light on it… but that’s too much, we want to settle this once and for all“.

The media offensive

And to promote a return to normal, Éric Zemmour spoke in the local and national media with even a passage on the set of Cyril Hanouna. The hairdresser justifies himself: “Ad or no ad, I have the right to show who I really am and not let people say anything just on my name.”

Out of the question to put his name aside: “it’s still 25 years of work, a little notoriety, I want to keep that.For Eric Zemmour it’s a simple matter of respect. He wants to be recognized for his work and not for a controversy around his name. “Maybe we’ll have to be discreet until the elections but that’s it!

Time to turn the page

The passage in the media will have been ephemeral for Éric Zemmour, now we have to move on: “For us the case is closed, we will continue, I will reassure my teams and that’s it!” The hairdresser will not have laughed every day during these last times, but he concludes all in humor: “If people want to contact him, there’s his instagram, it’s Éric Zemmour with a dash, for me there’s no dash! And then there’s a picture of each of us… I don’t think we look alike!

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