“Global Africa”, a new scientific journal dedicated to the African continent

A dozen African universities and research institutes are launching a new multidisciplinary scientific journal. her name : GlobalAfrica. An ambitious project of 2.65 million euros dedicated to strengthening scientific production in Africa.

Only 3.2% of the world’s scientific publications come from the African continent. And 75% of African publications are concentrated in five countries: South Africa, Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco. However, African research is gaining momentum but remains partly invisible because most of theses, dissertations, research reports… are not published. African researchers are also encouraged to publish in foreign journals in order to gain international recognition.

The project GlobalAfrica aims to create and perpetuate a journal of excellence from the continent, by strengthening scientific research and production capacities, and to promote it.

The review will be distributed in Open Access (free distribution) in four languages: French, English, Arabic and Swahili in order to make it accessible to as many people as possible.

Around this publication will be grafted research support actions: schools for young researchers, mentoring, training in the fields of writing, publication and scientific publishing, organizations and participation in international scientific events.

This journal was created by a consortium that includes Gaston Berger University in Dakar, the Research Institute for Development (France), the Center for Global Studies of the International University of Rabat (Morocco), the Laboratory of studies and research on social dynamics and local development (Niger) and the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (Created in Dakar in 1973).

The French Development Agency (AFD) will provide support for the launch of the program for four years through financing of 1.5 million euros for an overall budget of 2.65 million euros.

On the occasion of the publication of the first issue of GlobalAfricaan international African Research Matters symposium is being organized from March 15 to 18 in Saint-Louis, Senegal.

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