Gilles Verdez slapped live in Touche pas à mon poste: delighted viewers!

The viewers of Do not touch My TV are never at the end of their surprises. Because Cyril Hanouna always has the opportunity to make his loyal audience laugh and, on the evening of Tuesday, September 20, he had the right client.

Indeed, while he was receiving Ragnar the Breton on his set, alias Matthias Quiviger who became famous thanks to his character of Michel Venum and who promotes his new show, Cyril Hanouna challenged him to reproduce a gesture that made him famous. That is to say give a slap. And the host then appointed his columnist Gilles Verdez to lend himself to the game and receive said slap in full live.

Ragnar le Breton obviously went there gently, just to not send Gilles Verdez waltzing, even if his head wobbled. “I’m very good. (…) It is a pleasure“, he reacted afterwards, himself amused by the scene. And for Ragnar to recognize him as a “very soft skin“.”It’s very nice“, he confided again. The columnist still had the opportunity to slam the tall, well-muscled blond in turn.

The sequence was quickly made to react on social networks. A good number of Internet users, hilarious in the face of the images, were even grateful to Ragnar le Breton for having dared this gesture towards Gilles Verdez. “He made a lot of people’s dreams come true.“, “He did what everyone dreams of doing“, “It was way too nice. He should have knocked him out, let him rest“, “Hoping that it put him back in his head.“, “The best scene of the year, the slap is magnificentcan we read on Twitter.

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