Germany, the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom “will support Israel’s efforts to defend itself”

In a joint statement, the five countries also declared that they “recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people”.


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German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron, October 9, 2023, in Hamburg (Germany).  (MARKUS SCHREIBER / AFP)

Five countries, one voice. In a joint statement published late in the evening of Monday October 9, France, Germany, the United States, Italy and the United Kingdom affirm that they “will support Israel’s efforts to defend itself.” Also, “notWe all recognize the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people and support equal measures of justice and freedom for Israelis and Palestinians.”affirm the heads of state of these five countries in a joint declaration, shared by Emmanuel Macron on X.

And to specify: “But let us make no mistake: Hamas does not represent these aspirations and offers the Palestinian people nothing but more terror and bloodshedthey add. Over the coming days, we will remain united and coordinated, as allies and friends of the State of Israel, to ensure that Israel is able to defend itself and to create the conditions for a Middle East peaceful and integrated.”

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