Germany ranks UK as most at risk country

What there is to know

German authorities announced on Saturday (December 18th) that the United Kingdom had been classified in the category of countries most at risk, due to the spread of the Omicron variant. This decision will take effect from “Sunday at midnight”, said the RKI health watch authority. She said people arriving from Britain should undergo a two-week quarantine in Germany, including those vaccinated or cured from Covid-19. Follow our live.

Alert against Omicron in London. London Mayor Sadiq Khan has launched an alert procedure involving a coordinated response from public services to curb the spread of Omicron. This device had already been activated on January 8, 2021 when London hospitals were threatened with submersion.

Confinement at Christmas in the Netherlands. The Netherlands will be placed this Sunday in “confinement”, for the Christmas holiday period, in an attempt to stop the fifth wave of Covid-19 and the strong progression of the Omicron variant, announced the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte .

Restrictions for holidays in France. The Scientific Council called on the French government to establish “significant restrictions” faced with the risk of transmission of the epidemic on the occasion of New Year’s Eve. The mayor of Paris has announced the cancellation of the fireworks and New Year’s concerts planned on the Champs-Elysées.

Vaccination obligation for American employees. Tens of millions of American employees will have to be vaccinated by January 4, otherwise they will have to be tested very regularly.

Mandatory booster dose for caregivers and firefighters in France. “We do not want, as in Scotland, that we have 25 to 30% of caregivers who could not work because they would all be in contact and therefore in quarantine”, explained Olivier Véran on France Inter. This obligation will come into force from January 30.

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