Germany: Olaf Scholz succeeds Angela Merkel



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In Germany, Olaf Scholz turn the page Angela Merkel, by becoming the new chancellor social democrat.

The elected representatives of the Bundestag applauded at length Angela Merkel, Wednesday December 8. An ovation commensurate with the sixteen years spent by the Chancellor at the head of the country. Almost embarrassed and moved, she responds with a wave of the hand. For his last day in power, Angela Merkel began with a final speech, as Chancellor. “It is an exciting and rewarding task, but also demanding. But if we approach it with pleasure, it may be the most beautiful task ever ”, she said.

During a very sober ceremony, Angela Merkel receives a bouquet from Olaf’s hands Scholz, the brand new German Chancellor. “I look forward to working here. It will be a new start for our country ”, he assured. At the head of a government which, for the first time, has as many women as men, Olaf Scholz will have a lot to do.

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