Gérard Depardieu as a grumpy actor facing a dedicated security guard, in a touching double portrait

The young director Constance Meyer is very lucky to bring together in her first feature Gérard Depardieu and Déborah Lukumuena, César 2017 for Best Actress in a Supporting Role for divine. In Robustwhich comes out on Wednesday March 2, the duo works wonderfully, where one plays an actor weakened by his age, and the other a collaborator who discovers the hidden side of a disillusioned star.

A leading film actor, Georges must replace his faithful security guard retained by other missions, as he begins filming. It was Aïssa who was appointed to accompany her on all her trips, as a driver and protector. Caught up by age, Georges calls himself into question but will find in this young woman a renewed vitality.

Gérard Depardieu plays Gérard Depardieu. Said like that, the formula is perhaps excessive, without knowing exactly what the actor has put in this role which refers to his status in French cinema. But the interest is elsewhere, and owes a lot to the screenplay written by director Constance Meyer. All the salt is in the meeting between two beings who should never have crossed paths. At the antipodes of the star, this young woman from the suburbs will give him a lesson in life.

The corpulence of Gérard Depardieu and Déborah Lukumuena is the first thing that will bring the actor closer to his protector when they discover each other. Another common point: Aïssa, employee of a security agency, is also, like Georges, a public woman, since a champion of sports wrestling. He will also be a spectator at one of her competitions, as she will see him working on the film set.

Not easy to live with and demanding, Georges, one of the most solitary, will increasingly demand this presence which recreates his link with the outside world, going so far as to invite his employee to stay with him. It is one of the qualities of the film to follow this evolution of the characters, this journey that Georges and Aïssa will make towards each other. A giant with feet of clay, Georges sees the strength of his companion in the exercise of his profession, and in her ability to support it. A double recognition takes place, nourished by small touches which translate a mutual discovery in a film with sensitive writing and remarkable interpretation.

Kind : drama
Director : Constance Mayer
Duration : 1h35
Country : France / Belgium
Exit : March 2, 2022
Distributer : Diaphana Cast

Summary: When his right arm and only companion has to be absent for several weeks, Georges, an aging movie star, is assigned a replacement, Aïssa. Between the disillusioned actor and the young security guard, a unique bond will be forged.

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