Gérald Darmanin hardens the tone



France 2

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In Sainte-Soline (Deux-Sèvres), Gérald Darmanin wants to avoid at all costs an “area to defend”, while a land development project is disputed.

The Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, had already expressed his support for the police during the first mobilizations against the construction of a mega-basin in Sainte-Soline, in Deux-Sèvres. Sunday evening, October 30, the Minister of the Interior strongly condemned the modus operandi of the demonstrators. “About forty people on the ultra-left S were spotted in this demonstration, with operating methods that fall under eco-terrorism, which we must absolutely fight”said Gérald Darmanin.

The tone has gone up a notch between the executive and the militants, who want the establishment of a ZAD, an area to be defended. “We will be able to monitor the potential return of excavators if the government has not yet understood our message to stop this site immediately”, says an activist. But the Minister of the Interior opposes it: he announced the maintenance of the police. More than 60 people were injured on the side of the gendarmes, according to the Ministry of the Interior, and 50 among the demonstrators.

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