Geneviève de Fontenay at its worst and in depression? The former boss of the Miss France committee makes disturbing confessions

She wanted to dot the i’s. Silent for a while about her state of health, many rumors said that Geneviève de Fontenay was at her worst and very sick. It was finally in the columns of France Dimanche that she wanted to break the silence and clarify the situation. Aged 89, the former patroness of the Miss France committee is in great shape as she approaches her 90th birthday and is still just as cash in her speech.

“It is still too early to forget me, especially since I will soon be turning 90”, she swung at first with our colleagues. However, in the rest of her speech, the famous lady in the black hat made somewhat less reassuring remarks, in particular by letting go that we would soon be there. “find in the cemetery”. Indeed, the one who is still at war with Sylvie Tellier seems to have the blues and does not hesitate to let it be known: I have the drone of seeing the time pass so quickly but I have nothing to complain about. I certainly have a little osteoarthritis in my knees but that’s it. I have not had a stroke and all my vital organs are in very good condition. I’ve never had any major surgeries, knock on wood. Who can talk such nonsense?

According to her words, everything would go very well for her, except for a few slack from time to time because of old age. But if Geneviève de Fontenay is still in great shape, she still has to be very careful about her state of health. Especially since at present, she would not be vaccinated against the Covid, nor against the flu. “I live healthy and I stay at home. Especially since I am not vaccinated, neither against covid, nor against the flu”she revealed before specifying that she was not antivax for all that: Not because I’m against it but because I don’t like getting bitten. By staying at home, I avoid catching a lot of germs.

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