Gatineau | No charges against police who allegedly beat Senegalese diplomat

(Montreal) The Criminal and Penal Prosecutions Directorate of Quebec (DPCP) will not lay charges against Gatineau police officers who allegedly beat up a Senegalese diplomat last August, according to the embassy.

DPCP spokeswoman Patricia Johnson said Friday that prosecutors decided not to press charges after receiving the report from the Bureau of Independent Investigations — the “police of polices” in Quebec.

The Senegalese embassy said diplomat Niang Oumou Kalsoum Sall had been beaten so badly by police that she had to be taken to hospital.

The Gatineau Police Service said it was called to the diplomat’s residence to assist a bailiff who was trying to seize property, as part of a court order that required the lady to pay $45,000 to a old owner.

The police claimed that Kalsoum Sall, who enjoys diplomatic immunity, had bitten and beaten the police who arrived at the scene.

The Senegalese Embassy in Ottawa did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Friday.

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