gas from TotalEnergies accused of being used for Russian warplanes, according to “Le Monde” and an NGO

“No, TotalEnergies does not produce kerosene for the Russian army,” the group replied in a statement on Wednesday.

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Does the TotalEnergies group supply the Russian planes engaged in Ukraine? According The world, the Siberian gas produced by a company jointly owned by TotalEnergies has made it possible to manufacture fuel intended to supply Russian warplanes engaged in the conflict in Ukraine. Charges based on several documents and an investigation by the NGO Global Witness.

According to them, the Russian gas field of Termokarstovoye, operated by the company Terneftegaz, co-owned by the French group at 49% with the Russian Novatek at 51%, supplied gas condensate to a refinery near Omsk, which made fuel, which was then shipped to power Russian aircraft until at least July.

These conclusions are based in particular on data from the Refinitiv database, which makes it possible to trace the supply chain, supported by satellite images. According to them, Terneftegaz shipments have represented more than 8% of the raw material received in Omsk in Russia since the invasion of Ukraine.

“No, TotalEnergies does not produce kerosene for the Russian army”, reacted Wednesday the group in a press release. “TotalEnergies categorically refutes all of the unfounded allegations made in this article”, lamenting “mistakes, shortcuts, and untruths”says the group.

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