We reach Cynthia Dulude on the phone at the beginning of March, when her gardening notebook has just landed on the shelves of bookstores. The release date is no coincidence: it coincides with sowing time, every budding gardener will tell you.
“Gardeners, we only have about three months off in the year,” she laughs. At the end of October, we tidy up the yard, then we can already start sowing again in February. »
But how did plants enter the life of Cynthia Dulude, mostly known for her talents as a makeup artist? The love story began six years ago, when she and her boyfriend arrived in their first home, in Longueuil. “That’s when it all came crashing down. We started to do interior renovations, then decoration… Then, it was transposed outside: I wanted to play with my first perennials,” recalls the young woman.
That’s how she started creating flowerbeds (“with my mother’s help, because I didn’t know anything about it!”). Long-time followers are well aware of her gardening adventures, as she has documented everything on her YouTube vlog channel, which she maintains alongside her main channel. For the past two years, she has also had an Instagram account dedicated to her green passion, Jardin Rêverie.
Little by little, Cynthia started having so many plants, flowers and projects that she felt the need to put her garden in order – but especially in her head.
“I wanted a place to write everything down, to inspire me,” she sums up. Since she couldn’t find anything on the market that met her needs, she created her own notebook four years ago. It was by dint of using it that the idea germinated in his head…
“Eventually, I said to myself that I could make an official version of it and, for that matter, that we could sell it too. And now that she holds it in her hands, she takes full advantage of it: “It’s really my dream notebook, based on the one I had made by hand, which was becoming obsolete. »
The budding gardener can use his notebook all year round, and even improve it from one year to the next.
The beginning section is peppered with good advice for novice gardeners, which can also serve as a handy reminder for those with more experience.
The gardener’s best friend
The notebook is designed in such a way as to become the greatest accomplice of the gardener, who will be able to use it from year to year. Divided into several sections separated by vertical tabs, it first has some more general advice, then its heart is devoted to the garden and the vegetable patch. In each of these two sections, several cards where you can note the details of each variety that you have planted, whether it is a hosta or a tomato plant. We can thus know when the plants were bought, in which month they flower… because no, we don’t necessarily remember them by heart, especially when we have a lot of them.
There is also a section devoted to sowing, lined or squared pages to take notes, monitoring calendars… It is now that we should start filling it out, planning and getting inspired, believes Cynthia Dulude. Because in the spring, we will be outside, hands in the ground, trying to make these ideas bloom that will have first germinated in our notebook.

My garden on paper: planning, organizing, recording
Cynthia Dulude
AdA Editions
200 pages