Garbage collectors: massive strike in Paris


France 3

Article written by

S. Bechir, I. Dupont, M. Movsissian, E. Peraud – France 3

France Televisions

Since June 13, garbage collectors have been on strike in Paris. They demand a higher salary as well as a consequent improvement of the working environment. This movement has resulted in the presence of a lot of waste on the Parisian sidewalks.

Overflowing trash cans and no one to pick them up: this is what Parisians have been witnessing since June 13. Garbage therefore piles up on the sidewalks, revealing garbage bags that litter the ground. “Yes it’s embarrassing and with the heat it’s doing, it’s awful”laments a resident of 16th borough. The strike movement therefore disrupts the habits of Parisians and causes visual and olfactory nuisance.

If since Monday, June 13, the garbage bags pile up, the garbage collectors want to be heard on their working conditions which they consider bad as well as on their wages which they find too low. Thursday, June 16, the movement paralyzed road traffic since with their truck, the garbage collectors were driving very slowly to create traffic jams and therefore be heard. A letter was sent by the CGT union with two demands: a reduction in working time and an upgrading of their status.

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