Gabriel Attal and his lover Stéphane Séjourné: “It was the immediate crush”

By becoming spokesperson for the Castex government during Emmanuel Macron’s first five-year term, Gabriel Attal saw the spotlight shine on him more than ever. At 33, he is now Minister Delegate for Public Accounts since the cabinet reshuffle, a consequence of the re-election of the French president. And he obtained in the first round of the legislative elections the best score of minister-candidates (48.06%) in the 10th district of Hauts-de-Seine; he was waiting for the second round with relaxation on Sunday June 19. By being carried into high government circles, he also saw his private life come to light. In a relationship with the president of the Renew group in the European Parliament, Stéphane Séjourné (37), he forms a particularly influential romantic and professional duo.

In a survey published in The world in November 2021, the couple formed by Gabriel Attal and Stéphane Séjourné was deciphered. They met during a working meeting at the beginning of 2015, within the Ministry of the Economyon “the future of the health professions in the perspective of the liberalization of the professions protected in the future Macron law“Gabriel Attal is an adviser to Marisol Touraine, the Minister of Health, while Stéphane Séjourné is that of the future presidential candidate, Emmanuel Macron.”It was the immediate crush between the two, recalls a participant of the meeting. The dashing Gabriel will sometimes pick up his companion on late work evenings for the En Marche! movement, but nothing more. The lovers will nevertheless decide to settle, “in case they have to leave France“. Indeed, nothing assures the victory of the candidate Macron and Attal had a job offer at the UN, at the headquarters in New York.

Then comes the victory of La République en Marche and Emmanuel Macron in May 2017. It changes the lives of the two men. We can see the complicity between them with a tweet published a few months later. A group photo with Pierre Person and Sacha Houlié, friends from the faculty with whom they campaigned for the Young Socialists Movement in Poitiers, the “Poitiers band”, the left wing of the LREM majority. The snapshot was taken”at the tip of Trec’h, in the very north of Ile-aux-Moines, in the heart of the Gulf of Morbihan, in a former oyster shed that has become the property of Gabriel Attal’s grandfather“.

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