Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labor, Full Employment and Integration was the guest on Franceinfo 8:30 a.m. Tuesday December 19, 2023.
Reading time: 23 min

Olivier Dussopt, Minister of Labor, Full Employment and Integration was the guest on 8:30 a.m. Franceinfo, Tuesday December 19, 2023. Following the debates of the joint committee on the immigration law, the future of Casino group employees. .. He responded to Salhia Brakhlia and Jérôme Chapuis.
Immigration bill: “We hope for an agreement”
“We are in an obviously difficult situation”, estimates the Minister of Labor, while the joint committee must meet again in the morning to find a compromise on the immigration bill. Despite the compromises made by the majority to secure the support of the Republicans, it did not “capitulated”insists Olivier Dussopt.
Family allowances and state medical aid, points of tension
We have obtained and we are ensuring that the question of state medical aid (SOUL) not be in this text”, explains the Minister of Labor. This question will be debated in January, on the basis of a report co-signed by Claude Evin and Patrick Stefanini. It also welcomes the ban on the confinement of minors in administrative detention centers (CRA), a “measure awaited by the left for years”.
Olivier Dussopt underlines that a provision “allowing the regularization of men and women who work legally in professions in shortage despite their irregular situation”, has also been “saved”. This regularization will be done at “the discretion of the prefect, on the basis of criteria and on the basis of legislative provisions”, he specifies.
“We are not in a logic of national preference, It is not national preference. We differentiate between those who work and those who do not work, whether we are French or foreign.”
“The Casino group takeover project must protect as many jobs as possible”
“The government wants the takeover and then sale projects to be projects which preserve as many jobs as possible”, and in particular at the group’s headquarters in Saint-Étienne where 1,700 people work. declares Olivier Dussopt. More than three hundred Casino hypermarkets and supermarkets will be bought by the Intermarché group allied with Auchan. This scenario is followed with “attention” by the Ministry of Labor and that of the Economy, but “you have to be honestconcedes Olivier Dussopt, These are private companies which have freedom of decision.”
Find the entire “8h30 franceinfo” interview from Tuesday December 19, 2023 :
Find the entire “8:30 a.m. franceinfo” from Tuesday December 19, 2023 :