“Further investigation”. Zelensky: the clown who became a warlord – France 2 – March 10, 2022

In barely a week, he would have escaped three assassination attempts. According to the British daily The Timesit is 400 Wagner mercenaries and Chechen soldiers who would have joined Kiev with a mission: to eliminate the Ukrainian president.

A comedian who became a national hero

It must be said that since the Russian invasion, Volodymyr Zelensky “does the job”. For his compatriots, he has become a hero. In the eyes of the world, thanks to his modern and generous communication, this king of the selfie embodies resistance. He is David against Goliath, brave and sympathetic against the ogre Putin. Thanks to him, among other things, the entire planet has now turned blue and yellow. But who really knows him?

“Complément d’Enquête” tells the incredible journey and the gray areas of this “Ukrainian Coluche”, a former comic who became president. Popular comedian from stand-up, winner of the first season of “Dancing with the stars” in Ukraine, he created a prophetic series, “Servant of the people”, where his teacher character becomes head of state!

The Pandora Papers tarnished her image

In 2019, with his promise to root out corruption and his sense of formula, he crushed incumbent President Petro Poroshenko with 73% of the vote. Brilliantly elected, this 44-year-old Emmanuel Macron fan nevertheless missed his debut. Humiliated by Donald Trump, despised by Vladimir Putin, he and his followers were implicated in the Pandora Papers: they allegedly hid part of their fortune in tax havens. Gone is the image of a simple man who fights against the oligarchs!

But today, all is forgotten: he plays the role of his life. That of a young president, three-day beard and khaki T-shirt, in charge of avoiding the Third World War…

A survey carried out by the editorial staff of “Complément d’Enquête”.

The magazine is presented by Tristan Waleckx from Ivano-Frankivsk in Ukraine with Tetiana Tsyba, MP and childhood friend of Volodymyr Zelensky.

The editorial staff of “Complément d’Enquête” invites you to comment on the program on Facebook or on Twitter with the hashtag #ComplementDenquete.

> Replays of France Télévisions news magazines are available on the Franceinfo website and its mobile application (iOS & Android), “Magazines” section.


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