Funeral of Gérard Collomb: the Lyonnais pay tribute to their former mayor


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Funeral of Gérard Collomb: the Lyonnais pay tribute to their former mayor

In the presence of the Head of State, the funeral of Gérard Collomb was celebrated in Lyon on Wednesday November 29. Many residents came to pay tribute to their former mayor. – (France 2)

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France 2 – J. Wittenberg, B. Bervas, France 3 Rhône-Alpes

France Televisions

In the presence of the Head of State, the funeral of Gérard Collomb was celebrated in Lyon on Wednesday November 29. Many residents came to pay tribute to their former mayor.

Wednesday November 29, Gérard’s coffin Collomb enters Saint-Jean Cathedral, in Lyon (Rhône), under the eyes of the Macron couple, a large part of the government and the political class, including former President Hollande. Many Lyonnais are also present inside and on the square in front of the cathedral. “He was a good Gone from Lyon, who liked to eat well, who loved culture, who was very cultured”reveres a woman.

A “strength of soul”

Proximity and simplicity, many of them remember their former mayor in this way. A Lyonnaise describes it as “smiling, close to the people”. In this shower of tributes, Emmanuel Macron greets a Minister of the Interior who on immigration “was right too soon”. “I know Gérard, everything I owe you. Not for a single moment, I forget that without your strength of soul, your taste for dialogue (…), I would not be here today”, declared the president. Gerard Collomb must be buried in the cemetery of Loyasse.

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