Funeral of Elizabeth II: Prince Harry faces heavy charges… The controversy swells!

Did Prince Harry ruin one of the most touching moments of his grandmother’s funeral, Queen Elizabeth II? According to several netizens, while all the public of Westminster Abbey paid homage to the king Charles III with a God Save The King strong in emotions, he wouldn’t have sung the national anthem. Sitting behind his father, he seems to barely move his lips in the rare shots that show him.

However, it would actually appear that the youngest son of the new sovereign was mostly taken by emotion and struggled to sing along without losing the dignity and distance that much of the royal family displayed. It must be said that the moment was particularly moving: King Charles III, with tears in his eyes, himself had difficulty not to collapse alongside his wife Camilla.

And then, maybe the prince didn’t remember all the lyrics : indeed, while only the first verse is usually sung, the guests this time went to the second… which he might have forgotten! His wife, Meghan Markle, did not really seem to sing either, without it being known this time if the young woman was taken by the emotion too, or by a simple lack of words. In any case, later, during the second mass in Windsor, both of them unquestionably sang the British anthem.

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