Funeral of Elizabeth II: Beatrice of York collapsed, Zara relieved … The grandchildren of the queen on foot in Windsor

The end of a long day for them! After an imposing ceremony in London this Monday, September 19 in the morning, then a long procession to Windsor followed by a second service, the royal family was finally able to say goodbye to Queen Elizabeth II, whose funeral they celebrated in great style. pump after eleven days of national mourning. Or almost: tonight, the very private circle gathered for a private burial, away from the cameras.

But in the meantime, all have left the chapel of Saint Georges of Windsor and joined the castle. And after the departure of King Charles III, in a car with his wife, then his two sons, Princes William and Harry, in two different vehicles, we were able to witness an unexpected scene: the Queen’s other grandchildren. Elizabeth II indeed left on foot, even allowing themselves a few gestures of relief or relaxation.

And the first to have had this idea, surely to avoid waiting, was Princess Beatrice of York: accompanied by her husband, Edoardo Mappeli Mozzi, and her mother, the controversial Sarah Ferguson, the young woman left on foot, walking up the street in high heels and saluting the guards as he passed. Very close to the queen, the young woman was visibly collapsed and needed the support of her husband, father of her 1-year-old baby Sienna. Her sister Eugénie, on the other hand, seems to have come back on her side, since we did not see her on the television images.

Their cousin Zara Tindall, on the other hand, seemed relieved and even allowed himself… a few forbidden gestures! Indeed, on leaving the chapel, she grabbed the hand of her husband, the ex-rugby player Mike Tindall, then his arm in a burst of tenderness which resembles them well: rather natural, both like to show themselves rather cuddly. They were accompanied by their eldest daughter, Mia, 8, who walked alongside them. Their two youngest, Lena, 4, and Lucas, 1, had stayed at home.

Zara’s brother Peter Phillips, was also with them, but especially with his two daughters, Savannah (11 and a half) and Isla (10). Born of his union with his ex-wife Autumn, the two young girls had attended mass with their father and did not let go of his hand on the way home. In a relationship with a friend of his sister, but not married at the moment, the queen’s discreet eldest grandson came solo to the queen’s funeral and notably let his daughters enter the church with their uncle Mike.

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