fundraiser launched to compensate Palestinians in Huwara raises 460,000 euros

A week after the punitive expedition led by Israeli settlers in the town of Huwara, in the north of the West Bank, an online kitty launched in favor of the Palestinian inhabitants collected, despite insults and threats, nearly 460,000 euros.

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For hours, Sunday, February 26, the Palestinian town was the scene of a punitive expedition led by Israeli settlers: houses, businesses and vehicles burned, civilians attacked… A Palestinian was killed and several dozen others injured . The settlers wanted to avenge two of their own, murdered by a Palestinian a few hours earlier in Huwara.

>> Report. “They reduced everything to ashes”: the town of Huwara attacked by Israeli settlers

In Israel, some citizens were outraged by the violence. An Israeli, “Yaya” Fink, therefore launched an online fundraiser to compensate the Palestinians of Huwara. “It’s a pogrom committed by Jewshe said. You cannot compare Jewish terrorism and Palestinian terrorism: for one Jewish terrorist attack, there are 10,000 Palestinian terrorist attacks. But yes, it was a Jewish terrorist attack!”

An initiative “consistent with Jewish values”

Committed to the Labor Party, Yaya Fink leads the NGO “Israel Shelanu” (“Our Israel”). wears the yarmulke of observant Jews. And it is in the name of his religion that he launched this fundraiser: “The most famous verse in the Bible, which we must remember, tells us that we were foreigners in Egypthe continues. And I think it’s a very Jewish value to fight for the equality of minorities. So I thought it would be in line with Jewish values ​​to start a fundraiser for innocent Palestinians injured in Huwara.”

“I’m happy to say that one of the most successful fundraisers in Israel is this project to give money from Jews to Palestinians!”

Yaya Fink, fundraiser initiator

at franceinfo

More than 11,500 people donated nearly 460,000 euros. But this initiative earned him torrents of insults and death threats against him or his family. Nothing to intimidate this reserve officer of the Israeli army. “I’m optimistic I won’t be afraid and I won’t back down. I spend a lot of reserve days fighting Palestinian terrorism, but I believe we also have to fight extremism and racism in Israel. This is not my Judaism, it threatens my beloved country.”

Yair Fink is convinced that there is still a majority of Jewish Israelis who are not racist or extremist. He also believes that the two-state solution is the only way for Palestinians and Israelis to finally live in peace.

The report by Frédéric Métézeau in Huwara


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