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The Archbishop of Marseille, Jean-Marc Aveline, was appointed cardinal by Pope Francis on Saturday August 27. A total of 20 new cardinals are created. Alban Mickozy was live from Rome, Italy to provide an update on the situation.
Pope Francis seems to be preparing his succession. “Consider that the cardinal electors, that is to say those who are under 80 years old, two thirds of them have been or will have been appointed by Pope Francis, if we count those who are appointed this after- midday. This is the case of Cardinal Jean-Marc Aveline, who is therefore the Archbishop of Marseille and who is known for his positions that are both social and then for dialogue between religions, especially between Muslims.“, explains Alban Mickozylive from Rome (Italy)Saturday, August 27.
“It is in this capacity that he was chosen because the critics of Pope Francis are saying that he is creating a curia in his own image and that in the end, since he will have designated two thirds cardinals who will be able to vote for the next pope, well the next pope will undoubtedly look like the next pope somewhere“, continues the journalist. However, it is still too early to tell. Pope Francis rules out any short-term resignation, but he says he is thinking about it and that he will stop when his state of health no longer allows him to continue.